Ever thought what will happen to your facebook account, twitter profile, your blog, your paypal account, your followers.. when you DIE!!
Well, if you haven't thought of it till now.. dont painc! there are a bunch of people out there who are seriously thinking of this gap and trying to come up with a product that is suitable to cope up with it. The very first service that comes to my mind is Legacy Locker! It passes on your online 'legacy' to your family or loved ones, once you die. Sounds Absurd!!!

Might be absurd at the first thought but on second thoughts it looks practical. Imagine your friends, fans, followers sending you regular updates, mailes, messages etc unknowing that you're no more in this world. None of this poses an insurmountable obstacle for your loved ones, but it'd all be a lot easier if the appropriate usernames and passwords were automatically handed over at your demise.
Do check out.. Death Swtich as well...
***** Vital Lock is another website which I analyzed after a peer suggested me the same in the comments. Its equally good as Legacy Locker, if not better. The UI is intuitive and simple. I don't know how well they function after the real process starts (After somebody's demise) but I hope that's also hassle-free and smooth. Here's a screenshot for people who want to see how the site looks like- Cheers!