When I reached Mumbai, I was well recieved by my dear friend, Manthan who was equally excited as me, if not less, on seeing each other. I had taken a couple of days off from my work and flown down to Mumbai to meet friends. We had decided that I would be staying with Manthan in a flat where he was staying as a Paying Guest. But there was one problem. The lady who owns the flat would never in her life entertain a muslim to stay in her flat and manthan was not ready to let me stay in a hotel or elsewhere (For those who don't know me, I am a Muslim by religion). So he came up with an idea of rechristening me as 'Sameer', a hindu boy from Delhi. I was also game for it because I wanted to experience how things differ with our religions.
We reached quite late in the night to the flat so after talking for a while we slept. In the morning when I got up, I asked manthan as to what religion does the land lady follows and what am I expected to greet her as. He told me the whole family follows the SwamiNarayan' sect and I was expected to either greet the lady as 'Jai Shri Krishna' or 'Jai SwamiNarayan'. Finally the moment came when the lady and I were face to face. I was a bit nervous and amused at the same time and what came out of my mouth was a disaster, I said 'Jai Radha Krishna'. It was neither of the options given to me. To my luck, she didn't hear it right, so she smilingly replied, 'Jai Swami Narayan'. She then asked me where do I stay in delhi and whether I have visited the AKSHAR DHAM temple in delhi. I said, 'I visit it religiously every sunday'.
We reached quite late in the night to the flat so after talking for a while we slept. In the morning when I got up, I asked manthan as to what religion does the land lady follows and what am I expected to greet her as. He told me the whole family follows the SwamiNarayan' sect and I was expected to either greet the lady as 'Jai Shri Krishna' or 'Jai SwamiNarayan'. Finally the moment came when the lady and I were face to face. I was a bit nervous and amused at the same time and what came out of my mouth was a disaster, I said 'Jai Radha Krishna'. It was neither of the options given to me. To my luck, she didn't hear it right, so she smilingly replied, 'Jai Swami Narayan'. She then asked me where do I stay in delhi and whether I have visited the AKSHAR DHAM temple in delhi. I said, 'I visit it religiously every sunday'.

Her eyes widened with glory and happiness. I could actually feel the pride in her eyes when she told me that it has been made by the people of her sect. She was so elated with my response and dedication to their temple that she took no time in introducing me to her daughter (who had come for her operation) and her husband. All of them were equally happy to know about my visits to the Akshar Dham Temple.
Later on that day, the landlady asked me to attend their sunday BHAJAN and GYAN session at the nearest Swami Narayan temple. She also told me how one of her GURU has taken a task in hand to convert as many as 800 saadhus by the birthday of their MAIN GURU. I could read in her eyes that she wanted me to be one of those 800. The way she was propagating the whole idea in front of manthan & me and given the fact that I was actually a muslim, made both Manthan and i laugh out uncontrollably. The lady had no idea as to why we were laughing and within no time I said that due to mumbai climate I got something in my nose which makes me laugh randomly, and having said this I rushed to the bathroom and laughed out my heart and lungs and whatever...
The day I was leaving, I couldn't meet the lady but she made sure to offer her greetings to me via Manthan. When manthan came to bid me farewell, he said, BAA said 'Jai Swami Narayan' to you. I replied the same... 'Jai Swami Narayan'...
I am amazed the way religion teaches us hate and love at the same time. While we love people in our own organized sect, we hate people outside the organization. Shiyas don't like Sunnis. Jews don't like Christians. Catholics don't like Protestants. Brahmins don't like Shudras. (Vice versa to each)
I think chaos works better than organizing things. Peace, Love and Brotherhood shouldn't be organized but spread like a wild fire.. completely chaotic..