Top 10 Facebook Applications

Based on the number of daily active users, here is the list of top 10 facebook applications..
Cheers!! If you like this, feel free to use the data but dont forget to 'Digg' it. :) Here we go...

1. Pet Society 1,925,740
2. Facebook® for BlackBerry® smartphones 1,453,600
3. Causes 1,345,760
4. Texas HoldEm Poker 1,318,050
5. Bumper Sticker 1,070,930
6. Top Friends 995,946
7. (Lil) Green Patch 975,549
8. Slide FunSpace 959,516
9. Mobile 952,264
10. We're Related 852,071

I know many of the marketers would have their own thoughts and ideas to make use of this information, however, my suggestion is to analyze these applications and understand the reason for their success.
